If I Only Knew Read online

Page 9

  She huffs as she walks to her room mumbling. “No hope.”

  I get downstairs and stop at the bottom step. I feel ridiculous in this outfit. God only knows what my face looks like, and I can’t walk.

  Disaster waiting to happen is what this is.

  “Batman or Superman?” Parker asks.

  “Are you sure you want to debate this?”

  “Are you?”

  Parker is very passionate about this topic. I hope Milo knows what he’s getting into here.

  “There is no discussion. It’s Superman. Batman isn’t even a real superhero.”

  He’s about to get schooled. “He’s an even bigger one than Superman!” Parker yells and I can picture his little face filled with all the fury he can muster. “He has to figure out how to do it without any alien help. He’s better because he’s smart. That’s a superpower. And he doesn’t worry about kryptonite because he’s human, like we are.”

  “He’s not faster than Superman or stronger,” Milo goads him.

  “He’s better because he could be me or you.”

  “Well, definitely you, but I’m not nearly as smart as Bruce Wayne,” Milo tells him casually.

  I smile, knowing how much Parker has missed this with his father. They went and saw each movie, read comic books and debated the way things should go, and Parker loved that time with Peter.

  My head rests against the wall, willing away the tears that threaten to form because as sad as I am, I’m more so for my kids.

  “You can be my Alfred. You have a cool accent and I think you’d do the job,” Parker offers and I laugh.

  “All right,” I say walking out into the living room, keeping my eyes on Parker. “I think it’s time for you to go to bed, buddy.”

  “Whoa!” Parker says. “You sound like my mom, but you don’t look like her.”

  “Is it bad?” I ask with fear.

  I don’t make any eye contact with Milo. I’m not ready to see his reaction to whatever I look like. It’s not like I go to work looking like I rolled out of bed, but I was a housewife for sixteen years. I don’t know what’s trendy. My insecurity is at a ten out of ten and if Milo looks at me with disappointment in his eyes, I might lose it.

  Which is insane because he works for me and hates me.

  Parker smiles at me and puts my nerves at ease. “You look pretty.”

  “Well, I’m glad you think so.” I tap his nose. “Ava is upstairs. Go get ready for bed and she’ll tuck you in, okay?”

  “Okay, Mom.” Parker walks back to Milo. “Have her home by ten, okay?”

  Milo laughs and ruffles his hair. “I’ll do my best.”

  “Bed,” I order.

  Parker runs off, leaving Milo and I alone. I look at the floor and Milo’s feet enter my view.

  “Well.” He clears his throat. “Are you ready to see my charm, as you so call it, in action?”

  I laugh at his ridiculousness and do my best to settle the butterflies wreaking havoc in my belly. There’s no denying how unbelievable Milo looks right now. He’s wearing a black suit that’s cut to fit him perfectly. His shoulders are square and his normally light brown hair looks a little darker. The stubble that was on his face is now thicker and more of a beard than before. I’m not sure if it’s the suit or the way he’s wearing it, but Milo is most definitely sexy.

  “Are you all right?” he asks as I stand there staring at him.

  “Me? I’m . . . yeah. I’m great. Ready to get this dinner over with already,” I say nervously as I tuck my hair behind my ear.

  He takes a step closer and I remind myself I’m his boss and this is not a date. This is dinner with a purpose.

  “This will work brilliantly. My plan is foolproof.”

  “I’m giving you a shot at this, Milo. You’ve got one opportunity to make it work.”

  He takes a step closer, and my stomach drops. He even smells fantastic.

  Jesus Christ, Danielle, stop it. Focus. Work date with your subordinate.

  “I’m fully aware of the terms,” he smirks. “Remember I once had an assistant, and part of being a good boss is knowing when someone can do something for you.”

  “Right. And your job is what now?”

  Milo’s hand lifts, grazes my cheek and then drops. “Making your life easier.”

  I shake my head and focus on putting my nerves to the back of my mind. I have to pretend that I don’t care one tiny bit about how good he looks or smells. I have to remember that it doesn’t matter what Milo thinks of how I look or this dress or the fact that he hasn’t made a single comment. I’m not a woman and he’s not a man. This is war and we’re dressed for battle.

  I have to lie like my life depends on it.

  “I like your suit, by the way,” I say as I grab my purse off the side table.

  He tucks his hands in his pockets and rocks on his heels. “Glad you approve.”

  I wait for him to say something about what I’m wearing, but he doesn’t.

  I square my shoulders and shake my head, the strands tickling my bare back. “Let’s see if your talk is as good as your walk.”

  Milo’s eyes drift to my chest and then back up. “I’m going to rather enjoy myself. I hope you’re ready, Ms. Bergen.”

  Maybe he’s not as uninterested as I thought.

  “This was your brilliant plan?” I ask Milo as I pull my dress a little lower, only to have the back drop lower which means the top of my butt is showing. I can’t win with this damn dress.

  We’re standing in the club, waiting to see if the girlfriend of the city inspector shows up. Apparently, Milo didn’t actually have a dinner planned. No, he just found out where the guy would be and plans to crash his date. So, we’re at the country club that Nicole hates more than life itself because this is where he frequents.

  I had to come here a few times with Peter and once with Nicole. This place is where the rich, snobby self-proclaimed society hang out.

  A girl passes by, gives me a smirk and I remind myself never to let Ava help me pick out a dress again. She vetoed everything I came out wearing until this one. She demanded I not take it off and that I let her use her “mad skills” on my face. Tonight has been like living in an alternate reality.

  “Stop squirming,” he tells me.

  “I feel ridiculous. What if he doesn’t even come here?”

  “Just relax, he’ll be here.”

  That’s not why I feel ridiculous. It’s because I look like a very expensive hooker. Not to mention this is some I Love Lucy type scheme he’s concocted. I’m not sure if I’m Ricky or Ethel in this role.

  “Milo, I think this is a mistake.”

  “What is? This is exactly what we need to do. Don’t get your knickers in a twist.”

  “Okay?” I snort laugh at his choice of words. “They’re panties, but sure.”

  He looks at me with one eyebrow raised. “Knickers is much more dignified.”

  “Nothing about this is dignified.”

  “Trust me, this is all going according to plan. I have everything the way I need it to secure the permits he’s been dragging his feet on.”

  Everything the way he needs what? That makes no sense. All the plan consists of is a possible “friend” from the gym is going to be having dinner with Darren, the inspector. What kind of plan is that exactly?

  “You needed me to look like this?” I hiss.

  In the car he informed me that my role was to help entertain his friend while he worked his magic. If that didn’t work, he wanted me to look alluring and help him find a way to manipulate the inspector. Little does he know I have zero plans of either of those. I’m the boss and I’m going to get shit done the right way. I just needed him to set up the meet.

  “You do look rather delicious,” he grins, eyeing me up and down. This is the first time he’s said anything about what I look like. Not that I haven’t caught him looking. In the car, when I sat down, the dress barely covers . . . anything . . . and I saw his eyes flash and he
shifted in his seat. Then, when he helped me out of the car, Milo did his best to keep his eyes on his feet when I know he had a view of my boobs. And a few moments ago, I saw his eyes go from my feet to my waist before he cleared his throat and looked away, but still not a word.

  “You think?” I ask and twirl around.

  I’m toying with him a little. It’s only fair since he’s made it his mission to catch me looking at him.

  “Yes, the back on that dress is divine.”

  “There is no back,” I remind him.

  “I’m aware, and it’s definitely working for you.” Milo wiggles his brows.

  And by the looks of the man who stopped with a grin, he agrees as well.

  Milo steps closer, putting his arm around my back, fingers grazing the skin on my back and making me shiver.

  “Cold?” he asks.

  “A little.”

  I’m full of shit. It’s never cold in Tampa. It borders on hotter than hell and roasting in a fire pit.

  “I would offer you my jacket, but then we’d be covering your back and that’s what our secret weapon is,” he mutters conspiratorially.


  “Your dress, Danielle. It’s going to knock him on his arse.”

  He’s insane. I can’t do this. “This is such a bad idea,” I tell him. “You know what? I changed my mind on this plan. We’ll get the permits because we have the paperwork in order, not because we flirted with him at the club. I’m a grown ass woman with a good head on my shoulders.” I step out of his hold, but he grips my wrist to stop me.

  Being that I don’t normally wear four-inch heels, I teeter and almost fall.

  Milo’s arms wrap around my waist, holding me steady. “Look.” His front is to my back, and I fight from closing my eyes and leaning back. His lips graze my ear as he whispers. “You are all those things. You’re more than that, but this is our chance to play him. It’s time to show him who you are, but it requires a little finesse. Do you see that man?”

  I nod.

  “Good. He’s here and ready to find out exactly who is in charge at Dovetail.”

  Thankfully, that snaps me out of it enough to see the inspector who’s been dicking us around standing right there.

  The bottom line is that I need to get this done and we have an opportunity to do that. I can walk out this door with my dignity or I can walk out after doing what I need to do to get my job done.

  Milo’s fingers slide against my bare arm and take my hand, and I move with him.

  “Kandi, darling,” Milo’s accent is much thicker than it was a few seconds ago. “I didn’t know you frequented this club.”

  How does he lie so effortlessly?

  “Milo.” She grins back. “Have you met my fiancé Darren?”

  “Darren Wakefield,” Milo says with his hand extended. “I didn’t know you were Kandi’s main squeeze. I believe you know Danielle Bergen.”

  Milo Huxley, I need to keep my eye on you.

  He makes it look like he was genuinely surprised. It was effortless for him and a little scary to me how the words came out like second nature.

  “Yes, how are you?” I ask.

  Darren smiles warmly, then he shakes my hand. “Danielle, what a pleasant surprise. It’s great to see you outside the confines of work.”

  Liar. He’s shitting himself right now.

  “It’s a pleasure to see you here too, Darren.”

  Darren tugs Kandi to his side and Milo places his hand on the small of my back. This time, I’m able to suppress the shiver that his touch brings.

  “I didn’t know you were a member of the club,” Darren says to Milo.

  “Oh, I’m not. My snob of a brother is. I’m here for the first time. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.”

  Kandi runs her finger down Darren’s chest, her eyes on Milo all the while. “Why don’t we grab a table since we’re all friends? We could grab a few drinks.”

  “We’d love to,” I say quickly before Darren can object. “I’m going to powder my nose.”

  “I’ll come with,” Kandi says.

  “I’ll never understand why girls can’t pee alone,” Darren laughs.

  My eyes are on Milo and I mouth to him, behave.

  He winks and I shake my head with a smile.

  Like that will ever happen.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Kandi and I stand in the mirror, fixing our hair and lipstick. She’s extremely pretty. Her long blonde hair sits in those perfect curls that I can never get my hair to do. She has crystal blue eyes, and her boobs are definitely man-made. Darren looks to be about fifty and his receding hairline isn’t helping him look any younger. But I don’t think she’s with him for his looks.

  I finish fixing my red lipstick, once again wanting to ground my daughter for making me look this way, and turn towards her.

  “Where did you meet Milo?” I ask.

  Why did I ask her that? I wanted to ask how she met Darren, not Milo. That was what I had meant to say.

  “We met at the gym.” She smiles. “He said you’re his boss?”

  “I am.”

  “God, how do you stand it?”

  “Stand what?” I question.

  She laughs and tilts her head. “Looking at him all day. I would never get any work done.”

  Oh, great, another groupie.

  I won’t tell her that today, I do find his good looks a little distracting. But even still, he’s so arrogant, cocky, full of himself, and . . . Milo. Sure, he’s nice, caring, funny, and seems to go out of his way sometimes for people. Yeah, he’s smart, and Parker came running when he came to the door, but that’s because he is a child.

  Instead I ask, “Aren’t you engaged?”

  She laughs, leaning against the counter. “I can still browse the market without buying the produce, honey. Besides,” she says looking down at my hand. “You’re on a date with him and you have a special ring on your finger.”

  I glance at my wedding ring and cover it. “Well, I guess not everything is as it seems.”

  “How so?”

  There’s no reason I need to tell her anything, other than to shut her up. We’re nothing alike in this moment. I’m not flirting with men at the gym when I have a fiancé. I’m not even flirting with anyone and I’m technically single. But I can’t put her in her place because this is Milo’s big plan, and if I screw it up, then I’ll never hear the end of it.

  “My husband died almost two years ago,” I say. “I just haven’t taken it off yet.” My words may be strong, but my voice definitely isn’t.

  “Oh,” Kandi touches my arm. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean . . .”

  “No, it’s okay,” I reassure her quickly. “We should probably get back to the guys.”

  She nods. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Are you . . . you know . . . with Milo then?”

  I’m not sure what Milo has told her and I’m not good at this kind of thing. So, I do what I can do . . . deflect. “If you want to know, you’d have to ask him. I’m not at liberty to say one way or another.”

  I’m hoping she has no idea what that means because I don’t myself, and I said it.

  “Oh, because I think he’s incredible.”

  “How long have you known him?” I ask.

  “Just a few days,” she smiles. “But . . . when he talks, I swear, I could just die.”

  Instead of making the gagging noise I want to, I nod. “Well, don’t go and do a thing like that.”

  Save us all and just kill me, it would make this whole thing easier.

  “So, if you guys aren’t a thing, do you mind if I . . . make a move?”

  Now I’m confused. If she’s engaged to Darren, how the hell is she going to make a move when she’s got a big ass rock on her hand.

  “But you’re engaged you said?” I say it as a question because . . . huh?

  She giggles obnoxiously. “Of cours
e I am, but what Darren doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

  That’s a real solid foundation you’re building there, Kandi. This conversation is starting to weigh on me. To make it end, I grab my bag, “Milo will probably be looking for us. We should get going.”

  “Yes, we definitely don’t want to keep Milo waiting,” she sighs and then walks out with me behind her.

  I hate her, I’ve decided. Why does she care so much about him? Because he’s good looking? That’s dumb. She’s known him a few days and suddenly she’s all over him? Does she know about his father? About how hard it was on him when his brother moved here? Nope, that would be me. I doubt she even knows his last name, but she’s sure excited to drop her drawers and let him in.

  “There you are.” Milo’s smile is wide as I approach—without falling I might add. “When you were in the loo, Darren was telling me about his affection for cars.”

  “Oh, Darren could talk cars all day,” Kandi smiles. “I have other things I’d rather do with my time.”

  I’ve always been envious of women who were forward. Nicole, for example, is someone I’ve been jealous of. She’s confident, sexy, doesn’t give a damn what others think, and goes after what she wants. Kandi reminds me a little of her, only she’s gross. Because she seems to want Milo.

  Why that bothers me is not a point I’m willing to think about right now.

  She’s not even trying to hide her flirting. Right in front of everyone, she’s hanging on her fiancé, but staring at Milo.

  “Should we get a table?” I ask.

  “Danielle, I didn’t realize you were such a fox.” Darren’s eyes linger just a bit too long.

  Are they swingers or something? Maybe this is an agreement they have, an open relationship. But no thanks. This is the most bizarre encounter I’ve ever had. Now I wonder what exactly Milo told Kandi in their gym sessions about whatever fake relationship he and I have.

  “Thanks, I think.”

  Milo wraps his arm around my back, his fingers digging into my hip. “We’re lucky men, aren’t we? To have such spectacular women on our arms? And don’t let Danielle’s beauty fool you. She’s bloody brilliant too. You’d be wise to listen to her ideas.” He gives the man a pointed look.